Online Yoga Nidra Course

20 Hour Online Yoga Nidra Course yoga alliance certified

Discover your inner nature, get better sleep, feel deeply relaxed, and enhance your health with the help of an online yoga nidra course.

In today’s most contemporary times, we actually lack the ability to truly unwind and let go. We believe we are relaxing, even during typical sleep, yet when we wake up in the morning, our muscles and tissues are still constricted.

We all fight to relax and live in a world where everything is reactive. “Letting go” has turned into a chore, as if it’s stressful and difficult to even put things down.

Since we all have trauma, unresolved feelings, and suffering, feeling this way is actually normal and acceptable. The goal is to be able to recognize it, accept it, and then let it go. We are able to let it all go with the help of this easy, step-by-step Online Yoga Nidra Course practice, without even going through it all again.

With the help of deep relaxation, which is the goal of this online yoga nidra course, you will have more room to dwell inward, which is our natural freedom. Through the practice and concept of Yoga Nidra, where there is only genuine quiet, we shall go deeply into the depths of our inner journey every day. We all yearn to experience the “stillness or tranquility” that is actually only found deep within us. Yoga tradition always asks, “How can you locate something that is already there?” because of this. Come on, let’s flow and create this experience as a group!

Ancient scriptures describe the yoga practice known as yoga nidra. It is a type of meditation that simulates sleep so that you may learn to unwind just as deeply when awake. “Going to sleep state,” as Swami Satyananda put it. We are in this state when we are both highly relaxed and most conscious.

Online yoga nidra classes enable us to have the same effect without dozing off. This practice is far more effective than other seated practices where we have to follow a certain technique or system because sleep comes naturally to us.

The entire concept of yoga nidra is “undoing, unlearning,” “letting go of any aim,” even the notion of “becoming spiritual.” It functions by putting you into sleep-like brainwave states where you become entirely disconnected from your thoughts and emotions, creating the internal space that is necessary for us to live to our fullest potential and be joyful and content with what life has to offer.

Yoga Nidra is the most accessible form of meditation for those who find it challenging to engage in seated practices. Just lay down, shut your eyes, and take a few deep breaths. This technique is incredible because it enables you to enter the deepest realms of consciousness, which are otherwise arduous and challenging to accomplish in seated practices, which have a specific posture and method.

The most lovely aspect of yoga nidra is that it alters your waking state and makes calm sort of your natural state. At that time, you start to notice changes in your life, your interactions with others, how you sleep at night, and how you feel on a fundamental level.

Around the world, Joshita has qualified more than 260 Online Yoga Nidra Course Facilitators. Building incredibly talented, sympathetic, and informed Teachers to disseminate the gift of Yoga Nidra makes her feel privileged and honored.

The goal of this online yoga nidra course is to help students develop a consistent, reliable, and personal silent sitting practice. Individuals who work in a therapeutic or educational setting, as well as therapists, coaches, sound healers, and facilitators who want to deepen their understanding of this extraordinary discipline.

Whatever or wherever you are, you are welcome in this training. inquisitive practitioner, whether you are a yoga teacher or want to learn how to lead yoga nidra. It is for YOU if you wish to briefly disconnect from the outside world and unwind so that you can connect to life in a powerful way, in health, vitality, fullness, and joy. We cordially invite you to participate in this program and gain first-hand knowledge on your own.

It will provide you with the skills necessary to interact with the general public as well as a thorough and solid foundation from which to further build more specific abilities, such as those required to work with trauma and recovery populations.

The eight live sessions that make up the virtual training last 2.5 hours each. The material is explored in-depth, and students are encouraged to take their time. Because it is a live course, you will have plenty of time to reflect throughout, complete assessments, practice silent sitting every day at home, and receive committed support from us. We will be available during the training and even after to have discussions, respond to questions, and provide encouragement to deepen your practice. In addition to live Zoom sessions, everything will take place in a private group.

All students who successfully finish the 20-hour online yoga nidra course are awarded a completion certificate. The course is registered with Yoga Alliance. RYT stands for Registered Yoga Teachers, who want to advance their careers and earn credits for continuing education in order to keep their Yoga Alliance membership.

It is available to everyone, whether you are a practicing yoga enthusiast looking to learn more about this form of exercise or a certified yoga teacher!

Many yoga instructors and therapists find it difficult to maintain their very private silent sitting practice while leading sessions for others, which eventually leads to burnout. Joshita specifically created this Yoga Nidra course with the express purpose of teaching Yoga Nidra not only conceptually but also by creating a solid basis for your daily personal silent sitting practice. She thinks that in order to impart this lovely practice from our heart spaces, we facilitators have a duty to maintain a regular personal silent sitting practice. The eight live classes make up the virtual training. It consists of an hour and a half of philosophy or theory and 50 to 60 minutes of complete immersion in the practice. This amazing sleep-based meditation will assist you in recognizing your true self, which is already there rather than something that must be discovered elsewhere.

This course is appropriate for everyone, whether or not you practice any style of yoga. The best thing about Yoga Nidra is that even if you nod off, you will still benefit from it.

At the end of the course, you will be able to effortlessly adapt this practice to suit your needs. Help your family, friends, clients, and pupils.

What to expect in Online Yoga Nidra Course

Learn about the mechanism of the mind. How Yoga Nidra enables us to become conscious of and let go of our buried barriers, such as self-limiting beliefs, unhelpful routines, ingrained fears, and negative emotions.

During the course, you will get to try out many different full-fledged Yoga Nidra practices.

understand the five levels of your being (koshas) from the perspective of yoga philosophy and how yoga nidra practice takes us through all the koshas, making us stay with our core center, which is nothing but space.

Learn how to do Yoga Nidra without a teacher or facilitator.

Learn how to run and teach real Yoga Nidra classes and workshops on your own.

in-depth look at our autonomic nervous system and how the states of Savasana and relaxation can be achieved with the practice.

Explore the therapeutic and multiple benefits of this incredible yoga practice. Also, the latest research and scientific data prove the benefits of the practice.

Practice and use tools so that you can sit quietly at home every day.

In the Online Yoga Nidra Course, you can learn how to write your own Yoga Nidra scripts.

Learn about the different stages of sleep, how they affect brainwaves, and how Yoga Nidra helps to gradually slow down brainwaves, putting you in a place where time doesn't matter.

During the course, you'll learn about the role of intention and explore it. You'll also learn how to use intention in your own practice and sleep.

Learn about the Energy body and how Yoga Nidra helps release all the energy that's been stuck in the body.

Learn how to cater 'rauma Sensitive' people by changing the language and creating absolute safe and comfortable space for your clients.

Learn tips on how to conduct classes by creating right space for your students, using right ways to use the voice, how to maintain the pitch, pace, pauses in between the lines, setting the space and modifying the scripts for different clients.

What Else?

Online Yoga Nidra Course

8 Live lectures with philosophy/theory and practice of Yoga Nidra

Online Yoga Nidra Course certificate which can also be used towards 20 hour Yoga Alliance CE hours.

Yoga Nidra e-manual in the form of pdf

 Assistance on assessment follow up, discussions, Q&A, community support on members only group to connect and share.

1-year access to the recordings of the course of Online Yoga Nidra Course

Is yoga a skill

Various Yoga Nidra scripts catering to different issues.

After finishing the Online Yoga Nidra Course, you will be confident and open enough to share this beautiful practice of yoga nidra with your students, clients, friends.

Joshita, who was trained as an interior designer, began her yoga and meditation practice under the tutelage of her mother when she was very young. She feels incredibly fortunate that her mother, who does yoga herself, allowed her to learn so much from her. For many years, Joshita has consistently practiced Hatha Yoga, Pranayama, Yoga Nidra, and Meditation. She has been teaching yoga nidra and meditation for more than eight years in Rishikesh, India, and Koh Phangan, Thailand, in a variety of teacher training programs and retreats. Joshita holds a certificate for teaching yoga nidra. She completed the Yoga Nidra Facilitator Training with Bettina Kahlert, a well-known teacher of the practice, after studying yoga nidra with her. Through the one and only “International Yoga Nidra Conference,” she also had the opportunity to study and complete a 30-hour Yoga Nidra Facilitator Training course.

Her desire to learn more about many facets of yoga brought her to Rishikesh, India, and other Asian nations, where she studied and is still actively engaging in workshops, classes, and other styles of yoga from diverse traditions. At The Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre in Kerala, India, she started to gain a thorough understanding of the ancient principles of yoga. Her view on the body, mind, energy, and spirituality were entirely altered as she discovered its significant advantages through the regular practice of Hatha Yoga, Pranayama, Meditation, and Karma Yoga. She also learned about the old Tantric Tradition from her mother and later from a Thai school.

She began teaching Hatha yoga, pranayama, and meditation to adults and children at the Sivananda Yoga Center because she felt a strong urge to share this knowledge with others. She enjoys injecting energy and excitement into her lessons.

After an asana lesson, she had her first encounter with Yoga Nidra, which helped her realize that life doesn’t have to be taken too seriously and that letting go isn’t as difficult as we believe it is. By this practice, she came to understand that whatever our actions or inactions on the outside, the stillness that lives within each of us is constant. She can’t wait to tell you about her experience and show you what it can do for you.

Online Yoga Nidra Course Course Fee

$99 USD

Timing 04:00 pm - 06:30 pm (Indian Standard Time)

Days Tuesday and Wednesday

Days Tuesday and Wednesday

(Access to the recordings and a private yoga nidra group will be provided)

Online Yoga Nidra Course is for


My name is Cicilia, and I am from Argentina. This is my second time studying with Joshita, and it has been, as usual an excellent experience. Joshita was one of my teachers in my teacher training course some years ago, and this time I took Online Yoga Nidra Course with her. She has a unique style that makes all the knowledge simple and accessible. Her voice is so sweet and profound that it takes you to experience Yoga Nidra on another level. I would highly recommend studying the Yoga Nidra Course to learn for yourself and also share with others. Thank you, Joshita!
Yoga Teacher in  Argentina
The Online Yoga Nidra Course with Joshita has been very insightful. I found what I was looking for, to learn about voice modulation, detail about the steps of Yoga Nidra and the practice of Yoga Nidra has been a great experience. I also learned new concepts such as brain waves and how do they relate with the practice of Yoga Nidra. I also learned a lot about how to teach to the clients as well. Definitely recommended! Sergio, Yoga Teacher, Spain
Yoga Teacher, Spain
I can't thank you enough for all the wonderful changes i have experienced in myself with yoga nidra. I feel stronger, lighter, and super amazing in myself. I also started teaching yoga nidra to my students, and they really loved it and felt improvements in themselves. The yoga nidra course with you was the best decision i made so far. You are a very humble and calm teacher with very positive energy. ❤🤗 Gargi, Yoga Teacher, India
Yoga Meditation to Connect with Your Power
Yoga Teacher, India
I had never heard of Yoga Nidra before signing up for a session with Joshita. I thought it was another type of yoga that would teach me different asanas (poses) or pranayama (breath work) so I was unprepared initially for laying completely still while she guided us through deep meditation and visualizations. After the first session, I was hooked. More than once, while in a state of deep meditation, I heard “you are exactly where you have always wanted to be” and mentally I agreed. I was at peace even if moments before I was at war… with a thought or emotion that surfaced during the relaxation. Either way, I was where I wanted and needed to be. That’s the power of Yoga Nidra. I have since had sessions with a variety of teachers and even took the teacher training myself, but none have taken me on the journey of healing and transformation that Joshita has
Firstname Surname


(Ofcourse, recordings will be available in the private group for 1 year. Take your time and space to finish the course. Support from the teacher is available all the time even after the course)

Yoga Nidra is a relaxation and meditation technique that originated in ancient India. It is a systematic method of inducing complete physical, mental, and emotional relaxation

Yoga Nidra has many benefits, including reducing stress and anxiety, improving sleep, enhancing concentration and focus, boosting creativity, and increasing self-awareness and self-discovery

No, you do not need any prior experience in yoga to participate in a Yoga Nidra course. Yoga Nidra is a guided relaxation and meditation practice that anyone can learn and benefit from.

A typical Yoga Nidra session lasts between 20 to 45 minutes. However, the duration can vary depending on the course or the practitioner’s preference.

You will need a comfortable and quiet space to practice Yoga Nidra. You may also need a yoga mat or a comfortable surface to lie down on, a pillow, a blanket, and headphones to listen to the guided meditation

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